(formerly Lifetime showerpans)
HOW TO AVOID EXTRA CHARGES AND MAKE YOUR JOB RUN SMOOTHLY:DRAINS: Incorrectly set drains... our BIGGEST problem, its actually easier to set a drain right, how to set a drain General Preparation instructions: see navigation bar above or click here CALL US IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS: We'd rather get it right BEFORE we drive across town, and find we have to delay your job. CALL EARLY: 3 - 5 working days minimum, we don't pay people to sit on the bench, its very difficult for us to cancel an appointment with another client so we can work you in when you call us 2 days before you need your showerpan, sometimes it means cancelling and rescheduling multiple clients. Calling us two weeks early is not a problem... I can always move you back a day or two if you aren't ready. GET US IN BEFORE YOU SHEET ROCK - we understand, your sheet rockers might ruin the pan SO cut a piece of sheetrock to fit the pan and protect it, cut a hole for the drain... or leave water in it when you water test it... or use some carpeting to protect it... ITS YOUR MONEY DOWN THERE
WE NEED PARKING AND ACCESS... DUH!!! : v ) We cannot park our truck and kettle "down the street" or in no parking zones. Try to save us a place, tell your laborer who parked his Tercel right in front of the work area in EVERYONE'S way to park down the street. Leave room for TRUCKS. We go up stairs, we do not climb up ladders through windows with buckets of 500 degree boiling death. No amount of money is worth getting burned to death. We carry dropcloths, we are extremely clean and we are insured so don't worry about tar on your floors. The smell from the tar is not dangerous and goes away in a few days. We try to minimize it when we can by closing doors and opening windows. We also generally tape off SMOKE ALARMS, so if there are smoke alarms, keep it in mind, turn them off or let us know so we can tape them off or close doors.
We try to be competitive, we want to keep our clients happy and making money, but the more problems multiply the more likely we are to charge extra. We don't work with boiling hot tar for kicks folks.